Last December, iCarto staff traveled to Mozambique for closing the project SIXHIARA, which was aimed at institutional strengthening of a ARA-Norte team, and that had been running since 2012, thanks to funding from the Xunta de Galicia.
The goals of this visit, the fourth for the duration of the project, was the presentation of the results, and to ensure their sustainability.
As results obtained and presented in this visit we can included:
- The completion of a hydrogeological study of aquifer Metuge-Pemba, the main source of supply for the city of Pemba.
- Development of a GIS tool for management of water resources: gvSIG-SIXHIARA.
- Elaboration of results maps (general information, results of hydrogeological study and infrastructure inventory location).
- Performing group dynamics to ensure the sustainability and viability of project continues.
Training to technical staff ARA-Norte on the application developed, gvSIG-SIXHIARA that facilitate the management of water resources was also performed. This training lasted for 5 days, in which issues such as query geographic information covered, the update of the information infrastructure through the inventory module and the generation of maps and map series through the corresponding module.